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Representante de Shushufindi en el certamen Miss Ecuador 2022, Génesis Salazar, foto oficial en...
Coronación del certamen Miss Continentes Unidos 2022 <p>Fuente consultada <a href="...
Diario La Marea La representante de Filipinas es Miss Continentes Unidos <p>Fuente...
  • taleoiworld's picture
    Thursday, September 9, 2021 - 09:04
    Montesinos will be changed jail after attempted bribery
    image for Montesinos will be changed jail after attempted bribery

    Alberto Fujimori's former adviser will be removed from jail from where he was allegedly allowed to make at least 17 phone calls to try to bribe JNE magistrates.
    Vladimiro Montesinos, who was the right-hand man of former Peruvian president Al...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Tuesday, September 7, 2021 - 07:43
    WhatsApp dejará de funcionar en algunos dispositivos a partir del 1 de noviembre
    image for WhatsApp dejará de funcionar en algunos dispositivos a partir del 1 de noviembre

    A partir del 1 de noviembre WhatsApp dejará de funcionar en estos dispositivos

    Los cambios afectan a los que cuenten con el sistema operativo Android 4.0.4 o anterior.

    A partir del próximo 1 noviembre WhatsApp dejará de funcionar en ...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Monday, September 6, 2021 - 09:53
    Estudio dice que algunos bancos europeos trasladan ganancias a paraísos fiscales
    image for Estudio dice que algunos bancos europeos trasladan ganancias a paraísos fiscales

    Estudio dice que algunos bancos europeos trasladan ganancias a paraísos fiscales

    Los grandes bancos europeos contabilizan cada año 20.000 millones de euros en beneficios, el 14 % de todas sus ganancias, en paraísos fiscales, donde de media ...read more

    Votes 0
  • taleoiworld's picture
    Monday, September 6, 2021 - 09:35
    Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio culminaron
    image for Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio culminaron

    El Gobierno de Japón valoró positivamente el evento que cerró en la víspera con la clausura de los Paralímpicos, pese a haber estado plagado de obstáculos y la falta de espectadores en las gradas debido a la pandemia.

    "Como el país anfitrió...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Sunday, September 5, 2021 - 14:21
    ¿Que es es el tiempo?
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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Saturday, September 4, 2021 - 13:08
    Derrame de petróleo en Siria se extiende por el Mediterráneo
    image for Derrame de petróleo en Siria se extiende por el Mediterráneo

    (CNN) -- Un derrame de petróleo que se originó en la refinería más grande de Siria está creciendo y extendiéndose por el mar Mediterráneo y podría llegar a la isla de Chipre , dijeron las autoridades chipriotas.

    Fuente consultada / CNN

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Saturday, September 4, 2021 - 10:21
    New Zealand records first covid-19 death in six months
    image for New Zealand records first covid-19 death in six months

    Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern mourned the loss, a 90-year-old woman with health complications, and stressed that it is a "sad reminder" of the importance of the restrictions.

    New Zealand registered this Saturday (09.04.2021) its first death...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Monday, August 30, 2021 - 13:49
    Evacuation orders issued in South Lake Tahoe
    image for Evacuation orders issued in South Lake Tahoe

    SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. — The South Lake Tahoe area was placed under mandatory evacuation orders Monday as the Caldor fire pushed closer to the popular vacation spot, fueled by intense winds.

    The fire, which already has destroyed hundreds ...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Monday, August 30, 2021 - 12:49
    Jail for alleged hitmen of student leader in Popayán
    image for Jail for alleged hitmen of student leader in Popayán

    Members of the sicarial gang Los Ovejos were allegedly responsible for the murder. Prison for alleged hitmen of student leader Esteban Mosquera in Popayán.

    The authorities collected the necessary evidence to capture the people who perpetrat...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Sunday, August 29, 2021 - 12:59
    Netflix has excited all fans of Cobra Kai
    image for Netflix has excited all fans of Cobra Kai

    The news has surprised all the followers of the production, since it has been released months before the premiere of the fourth installment, and it would be the result of the great reception that the story has had.

    “The dojo is about to be ...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Sunday, August 29, 2021 - 12:07
    Hurricane Ida winds hit 150 mph ahead of Louisiana strik
    image for Hurricane Ida winds hit 150 mph ahead of Louisiana strik

    NEW ORLEANS — Hurricane Ida blasted the Louisiana coast on Sunday, with the eye of one of the most powerful storms to ever hit the U.S. coming ashore near the barrier island of Grand Isle with violent winds of 150 mph (241 kph).

    Ida’s landf...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Friday, August 27, 2021 - 11:17
    Cristiano Ronaldo vuelve al Manchester United
    image for Cristiano Ronaldo vuelve al Manchester United

    El Manchester United confirmó este viernes el regreso de Cristiano Ronaldo a sus filas tras lograr un acuerdo para su traspaso con la Juventus de Italia.

    El delantero portugués Cristiano Ronaldo ha oficializado su traspaso al club Mancheste...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Thursday, August 26, 2021 - 14:54
    New day of national strike in Colombia
    image for New day of national strike in Colombia

    New day of national strike in Colombia in rejection of the massacres, the murder of social leaders and the new tax reform

    This Thursday a new day of protest will be held in different cities of Colombia, called by the National Unemployment C...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Thursday, August 26, 2021 - 12:15
    Senador Colombiano leaves Colombia and denounces death threats
    image for Senador Colombiano leaves Colombia and denounces death threats

    The governor of the department of Magdalena, Carlos Caicedo, left Colombia on August 19 due to alleged death threats against him, which is why his lawyers went to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) this Wednesday (08.25.2021). t...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Thursday, August 26, 2021 - 11:50
    Attacks outside Kabul airport kill at least 13
    image for Attacks outside Kabul airport kill at least 13

    Several people were killed and injured in at least two explosions recorded this Thursday (08.26.2021) outside the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, where thousands of Afghan citizens were crowded trying to leave the country on internati...read more

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