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Representante de Shushufindi en el certamen Miss Ecuador 2022, Génesis Salazar, foto oficial en...
Coronación del certamen Miss Continentes Unidos 2022 <p>Fuente consultada <a href="...
Diario La Marea La representante de Filipinas es Miss Continentes Unidos <p>Fuente...
  • taleoiworld's picture
    Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 13:31
    Musk subió de nuevo al puesto como el hombre más rico del planeta
    image for Musk subió de nuevo al puesto como el hombre más rico del planeta

    Elon Musk, CEO de Tesla, y Jeff Bezos, CEO de Amazon, no solo tienen una competencia espacial con sus empresas, Space X y Blue Origin, también llevan meses compitiendo por ser la persona más rica del planeta. Musk logró ocupar el primer puesto en ...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Tuesday, September 28, 2021 - 09:05
    Vaccine mandate could lead to holiday shortages
    image for Vaccine mandate could lead to holiday shortages

    Pilots for Southwest and American Airlines warned that pilots could leave if they are forced to get a COVID-19 vaccine

    Pilots at two of the country’s biggest airlines said that mandates for COVID-19 vaccines could lead to major shortages du...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Tuesday, September 28, 2021 - 08:33
    Dallas ISD learned from a signature effort to help students
    image for Dallas ISD learned from a signature effort to help students

    Paul L. Dunbar was an elementary school on the brink, just two points away from failing state academic standards in 2018, when the district tapped Alpher Garrett-Jones to serve as principal.

    The school leader said “morbid” data showed more ...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Thursday, September 23, 2021 - 09:57
    Europe cannot count on the United States to guarantee its protection
    image for Europe cannot count on the United States to guarantee its protection

    Europe cannot count on the United States to guarantee its protection, according to France

    "What happened in Afghanistan and the submarine issue show that we can no longer count on the United States to guarantee our protection," said French ...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Wednesday, September 22, 2021 - 19:30
    Indígena brasileña arrasa en TikTok mostrando costumbres de su comunidad
    image for Indígena brasileña arrasa en TikTok mostrando costumbres de su comunidad

    Indígena brasileña arrasa en TikTok mostrando costumbres de su comunidad

    Cunhaporanga, la indígena brasileña que arrasa en TikTok mostrando las costumbres de su comunidad

    Durante la pandemia, Maira Gomez, conocida como Cunhaporanga, ...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Tuesday, September 21, 2021 - 10:17
    Gigante inmobiliario chino Evergrande afronta con incertidumbre pago de intereses
    image for Gigante inmobiliario chino Evergrande afronta con incertidumbre pago de intereses

    Gigante inmobiliario chino Evergrande, cuyo desplome en bolsa en los últimos días ha arrastrado a mercados bursátiles en todo el planeta, afronta con incertidumbre el pago de intereses por valor de 84 millones de dólares (unos 71,6 millones de eur...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Tuesday, September 21, 2021 - 07:26
    Presidente fue invitado por dueño de Amazon a una cena
    image for Presidente fue invitado por dueño de Amazon a una cena

    En medio de la reunión, Bezos anunció una millonaria donación de US$1.000 millones a la protección del medio ambiente, a través de Earth Fund, una organización sin ánimo de lucro que el multimillonario creó hace un par de meses y para la cual ya h...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Monday, September 20, 2021 - 12:50
    Perm University shooting in Russia
    image for Perm University shooting in Russia

    At least six people were killed in a shooting on a university campus in Perm, in the Urals, in Russia. A student was detained as the alleged perpetrator, the Russian Investigative Committee reported.

    A gunman opened fire at a university in...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Wednesday, September 15, 2021 - 09:15
    Bioscience company claims it will bring back the extinct woolly mammoth
    image for Bioscience company claims it will bring back the extinct woolly mammoth

    Elephant-mammoth hybrid": bioscience company claims it will bring back the extinct woolly mammoth

    Colossal ha recaudado $ 15 millones en capital para un proyecto que tiene como objetivo crear, utilizando el sistema de edición de genes CRISP...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Wednesday, September 15, 2021 - 08:24
    North Korea launches two ballistic missiles into the Sea of ​​Japan
    image for North Korea launches two ballistic missiles into the Sea of ​​Japan

    North Korea launches two ballistic missiles into the Sea of ​​Japan

    The Japanese Coast Guard indicated that the projectiles fell outside the Japanese exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

    North Korea launched two unidentified ballistic miss...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Tuesday, September 14, 2021 - 09:49
    Ukraine and NATO carry out military
    image for Ukraine and NATO carry out military

    In parallel to the maneuvers of Russia and Belarus, Ukraine and NATO are holding exercises in Odessa to counter the threat from Russia in the Black Sea, said the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (SNBO)

    "The exercises are con...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Monday, September 13, 2021 - 10:18
    Variante Mu del Covid 19
    image for Variante Mu del Covid 19

    La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha añadido otra variante del coronavirus a su lista para vigilar. Se llama mu y ha sido designada como variante de interés (VOI). Esto significa que tiene diferencias genéticas con las otras variantes cono...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Saturday, September 11, 2021 - 09:15
    The Galaxy Centaurus photographed in great detail from Chi
    image for The Galaxy Centaurus  photographed in great detail from Chi

    The galaxy Centaurus A, more than 12 million light years away, has a peculiar appearance, wrapped in dark filaments of dust that, together with the brightness of its stars, can be seen in every detail thanks to the image taken by the Victor M. tel...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Thursday, September 9, 2021 - 10:23
    Truckers block Brazil highways in support of president
    image for Truckers block Brazil highways in support of president

    Bolsonarista' truckers block the highways of half of Brazil in support of the president and he calls for them to free the roads

    The political situation in Brazil does not give a break. While the three powers are submerged in a serious crisi...read more

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  • taleoiworld's picture
    Thursday, September 9, 2021 - 09:26
    Pastrana denies that drug money entered his campaign
    image for Pastrana denies that drug money entered his campaign

    The Rodríguez Orejuela family assure that "in the last 50 years of the last century" they helped different political campaigns, among them that of Pastrana.

    Former Colombian President Andrés Pastrana assured this Wednesday (09/08/2021) that...read more

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